Building With Us

Here is our earth bag home on the mountain.

The Roof – Phase 1

We have focused on big boots (a deep rock foundation) and a big hat (a large roof.) Because we live on a hillside in the high mountain desert, the snow accumulation can be up to 15ft throughout winter. Aside from the excavation and concrete pour, we have done every phase on our own. The roof is an aspect of the build we wanted a professional to help with, and luckily our wonderful neighbors are sawyers and carpenters. Here, we mounted a handful of treated posts for the outside frame (which will be exposed to moisture.) The metal plates are very large and heavy, and they came a bland looking metallic color. Thanks to a recommendation, we sprayed a solution of Hydrogen Peroxide, Vinegar and Salt before sealing. They changed beautifully. Because of the size/weight of the plates (and some weather coming in) it took three adults nearly a week to prepare them. After setting the main posts, horizontal beams were laid on top to begin the frame for trusses.

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