Building With Us

Here is our earth bag home on the mountain.

Headers with flavor

Our neighbors are millers and carpenters. They harvested all of the wood used on this project, mostly Douglas fir and Ponderosa Pine, from the nearby mountain. They also helped create the roof blueprint. In building a round bag home one particular advantage is minimal lumber required. Now, to ensure that the earth bags remain structural we went beefy on the headers. Some of the square beams above the windows are 12×12! And oh, the drippy sap and sweet smell-

We have had a couple of very dedicated and supportive families come out to help fill bags and other things. We’ve had countless moral supporters who dream along with us. In saying that, this project has been spearheaded and implemented by one man alone. He has spent months of long days giving his all to our mission. -That is until the largest beams (ever) needed to be placed on the top of the wall. Finally a wonderful crew of guys showed up to put headers on the windows and doors, and we could rest easier.

One response to “Headers with flavor”

  1. Looking so awesome. Yea…


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